Features & Advantages

- Fully automated high yield nucleic acid extraction with magnetic beads and PCR setup (for Sacace kits like HCV, HBV)
- Reagent identification with on-board barcode scanners
- Pre-programmed protocols
- Flexible batch size from 1 up to 24 samples in parallel
- All required tubes, tips, plastics are inside the provided Extraction Kits
- Ready to use reagents
- Very fast extraction protocol (~40 minutes)
- Very simple operation (easy to install, operate, maintain)
- Isolation of very pure nucleic acids
Ease of use
3 EASY STEPS to purify nucleic acids from different sample materials
Complete solution containing everything needed for purification: prefilled, film-sealed reagent cartridges, disposable plastics, reaction and elution tubes. At the end of the process, purified nucleic acids are auto collected into 1.5 ml tubes for storage or directly into 0.2 ml PCR tubes thus including PCR setup (for example using Sacace HBV and HCV CE-IVD marked detection kits).